Replacement Windows


Custom Made PVC Windows with a 20 Year Warranty

Choosing the right windows will greatly affect your home’s look, as well as the energy efficiency and safety of your home. We offer a large variety of window styles and types.

There is a lot of competition in the field of windows and doors, and Prairie Dog takes no chances with inferior products. The quality and care in the manufacturing of high-quality PVC windows and doors combine with the rigorous standards of quality control that Prairie Dog has built their business on. The result is a superior product for your home.

We use top window manufactures to access their extensive line of windows and doors providing you with the options for your new home design. Whether contemporary or classic, you’ll find a design and colour/hardware combination to fit your personal style. Our windows are built for life and designed for living. This makes them a perfect fit for your home renovation project.

Our window manufacturers use in-house engineers to employ advanced technology and superior materials to develop products that provide maintenance-free performance for years.  

While the chose of window and door manufacturer is critical for ensuring quality, installation is a critical component in ensuring that the efficiency of the window and door is achieved. Our team of professional installers have had over 20 years experience in installing windows, doors and siding. You can trust that Prairie Dog Construction will install the window, door or siding properly to ensure you the best experience. 

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